Name number numerology

Name number numerology

When we know our name number, we can know more about ourselves and conquer the best for ourselves. To know our name number, simply add up the alphabets in our given name. The formula for adding as below;

example if a person having name Abdul Kalam, his name number would be 27, 2+7= 9, and his name is ruled by Mars.

A = 1
B = 2
D = 4
U = 6
L = 3
K = 2
A = 1
L = 3
A = 1
M = 4

Even in the name itself, we can see the influence of the planets.
Example name HASSAN

H = 5
A = 1
S = 3
S = 3
A = 1
N = 5

This name is ruled by Mercury (5), Sun(1), Jupiter (3) and Mars (9) as the total count is 18
hence the character and nature of the person will be as what Sun, Jupiter, Mars, and Mercury could provide and their life path will also depend on this.

after identifying the name number, refer to below for what actually means;

Name Number: 3

It has the strength of Jupiter. It confers the power of thought, progress through own efforts, happy domestic life, and steadiness with time. It improves one's academic knowledge and practical wisdom.

Name Number: 4

The knowledge of a person having his name in this number will be exploited only by others. For his own work, this knowledge will not be of much help. He will be affected by diseases. Being highly talkative, he will earn a bad name from others.

Name Number: 5

This number denotes the full influence of Mercury. People having names in this number will somehow reach a top position. They will become more and more famous because of their honesty, devotion to duty, and obedience to the instructions of their elders. They are clever at earning money. They will be exemplary models to others.

Name Number: 6

This number denotes the full influence of Venus. It assures a prosperous life and creates a satisfactory atmosphere. People having names in this number are peace-loving. They have many friends. But they are not capable of drawing big plans and implementing them.

Name Number: 7

This number denotes the full influence of Neptune. It confers divine power. People with names in number 7 are expert counselors. But their own life will not be steady.

Name Number: 8

This number represents the full influence of Saturn. People with names in number 8 will accomplish their aim despite adverse circumstances. They will face sudden dangers. After escaping from them, they will describe them beautifully. Such experience kindles their interest in spiritual life.

Name Number: 9

People with names in this number have to swim against the current. So they get a variety of experience. They undertake foreign trips. They have to face constant opposition. They have a strong mind. By their power of oratory, they form a group of their admits and overthrow all opposition. They will enjoy all comforts in the latter part of their life. They may earn a bad name due to women. If people born on 2,11, 20, 29, 7, 16, 25 form names in number 9 they will have to suffer in life.

Name Number: 10

People having names in this number will somehow make progress in life. They will be praised by many. They will earn so much in a single day which is earned by others in ten days. When they have money in hand, they become lazy. Their life will be full of ups and downs. If they remain honest, they will always be lucky. They are like python which sleeps comfortably for a fortnight after taking food during the earlier.

Name Number: 11

They suffer much agony due to problems. They will declare that man is incapable of achieving anything. They begin depending on prayer to God and make some progress. As they do not have a steady mind, they always appear to be confused. But people born on 7,16,25 will be successful by using this number.

Name Number: 12

It has number 1 of the sun and number 2 of the moon giving number 3 of Jupiter as the total. People having names in this number will be public workers. But they cannot shine in their personal life. It is because the sun and the moon cannot shine at the same time. They have good power of oratory. They fight for the welfare of others.

Name Number: 13

People are afraid of form names in this number. For example, on 13th May 1969, thousands of people died in the riots which shook Malaysia. U.S.A did not dare to send Apollo 13 after Apollo 12. The English people are afraid of this number and reject it as inauspicious. Some people having names in this number may be rich. But they suffer from worries due to women or ill health. However, this summer does not cause much harm to those who are born on 1,10,19,28 or 6,15,24.

Name Number: 14

People having names in this number will be successful if they start any business. They have a large circle of friends belonging to various trades. Sometimes they are too ambitious and lose money consequently. If they do not get entangled in love affairs, they can make good progress. Many people come forward to help them. It will be no exaggeration to call them lucky persons.

Name Number: 15

People having names in this number are destined to enjoy all pleasures in the world. They will always be working to succeed in their aim. They talk, walk, and dress in style. They will earn a lot of money through various sources. They have a perennial source of income. But if their date of birth happens to be 3,12,21,30 then they will earn money through evil ways and spend it for evil purposes.

Name Number: 16

People having names in this number get the grace of God. Their progress will be steady. But suddenly their life will end. They can escape danger by regularly worshipping God. Japan which has its name in number 16 often faces danger from volcanoes. The United States used an atom bomb on 16th to destroy Japan. But people who do not receive the grace of God, i.e. who are not devout, will touch the bottom. This number assures success to those born on 2,11,20,29.

Name Number: 17

The number 1 of the Sun and the number 7 of Neptune give number 8 of Saturn as the total. People having names in this number will have to face many struggles and put up with a bad name. But they will become highly experienced and energetic because of their efforts to succeed in their problems. They will accumulate a lot of things. They will also perform unforgettable adventurous deeds.

Name Number: 18

The number 1 of the sun and the number 8 of the Saturn give number 9 of Mars as the total. People having names in this number will adopt dishonest means in life. They will be completely devoid of peace and God’s grace. They will become slaves to wine, women, and gambling. They have to face frequent quarrels and cases in the courts. They may have to carry weapons to protect themselves. They may have to go to another country giving up their study or losing their job or status or forsaking their family. Their achievement will not benefit others. even if they succeed, they will not reap any advantage.

Name Number: 19

People having names in this number will make progress day by day like a mercury lamp which burns more brightly with time. They will get wealth, health, and a good domestic life. So they will always look fresh. They will get a good job and earn respect. They will emerge as leaders. They live with a good aim and get a suitable partner contributing to their happiness. They reject the evil path and they never harm anyone. So God will always help them. They will have good health throughout their life. By nature, they prefer any honest behavior and dislike pretense. They will lead a lucky and comfortable life.

Name Number: 20

People having names in this number are peace-loving. They solve the difficulties faced by others and do good to them. Many approach them seeking their advice. But they will become terrible like the cobra when they get angry. If they happen to be selfish, then their work will be obstructed.

Name Number: 21

The number 2 of the Moon and the number 1of the Sun combine to give number 3 of Jupiter. Like the Moon which waxes and wanes, the earlier period of the life of people having names in number 21 will be full of struggles and the later part will be full of achievements. The number 1 of the sun which comes after number 2 assures continuous progress. They get wealth, influence, domestic life, and permanent job. But to people born on 6, 15, 24 this number is harmful.

Name Number: 22

If this happens to be the number of the name, there will be no steady progress. People of this number will make various attempts but they only fail. Then they will take to the path of evil. Being very clever, they will escape from the evil designs of others. By committing evil deeds, they will earn money. So sometimes they may have to appear in courts. Others will exploit their capacity. They will put up with their bad reputation and live boldly. Even if they want to forsake evil deeds, their friends will tempt them to continue them.

Name Number: 23

Number 2 of the Moon and number 3 of the Jupiter come side by side. If the people have names in this number, all their plans will succeed. They will perform many heroic deeds. Even if their rivals are more capable, people of this number alone will win. They have a charming face and an attractive personality. So they manage to get their work done. They are always surrounded by many persons. They will earn profit through business, factories, transport, and commission work. If this number is used to form the business name, there will be good progress. People having names in this number will always be active. People born on 8, 17, 26, 5, 14, 23 will have grand progress if they form names in this number. It is suitable for people born on any date.

Name Number: 24

If this number is used in forming one’s name or trade name, there will be progress day by day. There will be income through one’s wife also. Businesses will bring in huge profits. Success will be followed by more success. People with names in this number have the luck to exert authority over many persons. But if people born on 3,12,21,30 have names in this number, their life will be ruined. It is a good number for others.

Name Number: 25

If one’s name is formed in this number, early life will be full of terrible struggles. They are peaceful and full of grace. They have people’s support also. Yet they have to struggle hard to lead their life. They have to pass through many tearful incidents. They wish to become great leaders. They get international recognition. They lead a life based on justice, honesty, and morality. They try to improve the lot of the world by becoming writers, orators, and religious leaders. They will bravely face all problems and become very famous. But they will be no satisfaction in their personal life. If people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 have names in this number, they will enjoy all comforts.

Name Number: 26
Number 2 of the Moon and number 6 of Venus join to give number 8 of Saturn. People having names in this number will find their life full of luxury and hustle and bustle. They will repent later that they have not made use of the good opportunities of their early period. So this cannot be called a good number.

Name Number:  
It has number 2 of the Moon and number 7 of Neptune. It will surely give great benefits. People having names in this number will get fame, status, wealth, and authoritative jobs through ceaseless efforts and hard, work. Whatever job they undertake, they will attain a good position in it. They toil for the welfare of their country and their dependents. Their mind will not approve of evil activities. When they begin work, they calculate whether it will bring benefits to them and to their dependents. They receive the grace of God and make steady progress. But people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 or 7, 16, 25 should not have names in this number. If they form names in 27, they will get entangled in unnecessary problems and suffer.

Name Number: 28
If this number is used for one’s name or trade name, it will give a tragic effect. Wherever the people having names in this number go, they will face only difficulties and rivalries. If they make some progress, soon they will lose everything. They may have a happy period of youth. But as they grow older, they suffer heavy loss and face confusion in life. They will get disrespect and bad name everywhere. As all their attempts fail, they may hate life itself. Their property will be suddenly confiscated. This number is the worst in the number 1 series. Hence people having names in this number should change them to other numbers.

Name Number: 29
People having names in this number will become quarrelsome. They find fault with everything that others do. They do not believe others at all. Their domestic life will be full of confusion. They call others frauds. People of this number oppose their enemies seriously. But if their enemies are stronger, then they will change their tactics. By such undesirable behavior, they invite trouble from others. This is not a desirable number. However, those born on 7, 16, 25 suffer less adverse effects. It is a dangerous number for people born on 9, 18, 27. They will get worries from women and go to the extent of attempting suicide.

Name Number: 30
If this number is used to form one’s name or that of one’s business, it will not bring in much income. People with names in this number will lose many good opportunities even though they are remunerative. They have a tendency to help others. They also perform certain activities for their satisfaction which are considered impossible by others. They develop the capacity to understand others easily. It is a moderately good number.

Name Number: 31
People having names in this number will not live under the control of others. They will accumulate knowledge of everything. They exaggerate even small things. They are not interested in earning a steady income. They are under the delusion that they have got everything. They may struggle and succeed but will not benefit. They may derive certain advantages in their early life but they will lose their wealth during their middle age due to ill health or loss in business. But to people born on 1, 10, 19, 28 or 6, 15, 24 it is a suitable number. They will escape from danger. Others should change their names to more favorable numbers.

Name Number: 32
Number 3 of Jupiter and number 2 of the Moon jointly cause good luck. They always have un-diminishing fame and wealth. To preserve their good luck, they should act upon their own thoughts. They excel in discovering new things and teaching people new ideas. They manage to keep others happy. They have a smiling face and a charming appearance. People engaged in various activities approach them. They earn the respect of others by doing good to the public by conducting a useful business and by moving affectionately with others. They will answer questions in a novel manner without being aware of it. They always look fresh and young. If they stop following the ideas of others, they will be tremendously lucky. They should not get involved in love affairs.

Name Number: 33
This twin number of Jupiter confers God’s grace. Life will be luxurious. All activities will succeed somehow or other. Others will show respect. People haying names in this number will definitely acquire house, conveyance, and business. They will raise their status through their connection with important persons. They will undertake foreign trips. They speak nicely to others and get their work done. They will not engage in activities that are harmful to others. They will enjoy all comforts and lead a happy life.

Name Number: 34
Among the number 7 series, this number is the best. People who have names in this number will be great scholars and famous men. They have an aptitude for research work. They can express their ideas clearly. They will earn a lot of wealth and help many people. They always possess morality, honesty, and perseverance. People born on 2, 11, 20, 29 will enjoy all these good effects. But people born on 9. 18, 27 will get only adverse effects.

Name Number: 35
People having names in this number will have to put up with some expenditure or other. Their mind will not be peaceful. They will use their capacity to earn money through evil ways. They will not be benefited by their friends and relatives. They may get stomach-ache, back-ache, and tooth-ache. If they happen to be big businessmen, they will suddenly lose their wealth, Such persons should change their names or their trade names suitably.

Your Number: 36
This number is formed by number 3 of Jupiter and number 6 of Venus. So they will face worries caused by women. They will become rich by their hard work and perseverance. They will leave their native place, form a business or industry outside, and make progress in life. Some will undertake foreign trips. if people born on 9, 18, 27 have names in this number, they will lead a comfortable life free from complications. But if people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 or 7, 16, 25 have names in this number, they will suffer in life.

Name Number: 37
People having names in this number struggle in their early life but will reach a high position later on. Their speech, dress, and mannerisms are attractive. They will draw plans beyond their capacity. However, they will succeed because they have many true friends. They will get income from various sources. They are interested in arts, architecture, and oratory. They always have un-diminishing luck. Many people will be waiting to have an interview with them. If their date of birth does not agree with this number, then the good effects will be felt less. They will get involved in unnecessary matters and suffer. Generally, people having names in this number lead a prosperous life. It is really a desirable number. However, these people may have to face some failures after the age of 50. But they will begin their efforts once again and succeed.

Name Number: 38
People having names in this number will be respected by many people. They are peaceful by nature. They are spiritually inclined. They get the friendship of rich people. Some will become jealous of them and disturb their progress. All of a sudden they will become melancholic. If people born on 9, 18, 27 have names in this number, they will face sudden accidents.

Name Number: 39
People having names in this number are helpful by nature. Though they are lucky persons, they may suffer from ill-health and diseases like eczema and ringworm. Others also will share the profits of their hard work. If people born on 3, 12, 21, 30 have names in this number they will acquire conveyance, lands, and house. They will accumulate a lot of wealth through business in luxury articles. They will have foreign trips also. But people born on 6,15,24 should not have names in this number.

Name Number: 40
People having names in this number will become famous by lecturing, writing, or by occupying an authoritative position. They will acquire gold, silver, and gems. They are prepared to do anything for their selfishness. Finally, they will find that nobody respects them. They will lose their fame and status. So it is not a desirable number.

Name Number: 42
People having names in this number will get the grace of God. They will have a steady mind and a comfortable financial position. They will spend only on their own religion. They will be frugal in their personal life. Good jobs will come seeking them. Diseases also get cured. If people born on 3, 12, 21, 30 have names in this number, they cannot expect a good result. If people born on other dates have names in this number, they will make progress.

Name Number: 43
People having names in this number will always be working for the welfare of others. Some people will become jealous of them and antagonize them. They frankly reveal their thoughts. Even those in government service will make enemies of their colleagues. They express their ideas through lectures and writing. But they do not get any benefit out of them. Even if they succeed in their aim, they do not derive any advantage from it. Their intelligence and capacity will not be useful to them. Others will exploit their talents. But people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 are benefited by this number.

Name Number: 44
These twin fours of Uranus give number 8 of Saturn. People having names in this number will be men of thought. They always think about earning more money. They get profit from four-wheeled vehicles. Architecture, work connected with steel, contract work, commission work, and entertaining arts will bring them profit. To reap the full benefit of this number, people should have been born on 5, 14. 23. In the case of others, their work will come to a sudden halt. They will lose their wealth. They will also face fatal accidents, litigation, and diseases.

Name Number: 45
Number 4 of Uranus and number 5 of Mercury come side by side. People having means in this number will become famous for their oratory. They will get a top-ranking job and plenty of wealth. It is a desirable number, If people born on 9. 18, 27 have names in this number, they will become great leaders. Even people in humble jobs will reach top positions. Like number 42, this number also is capable of curing diseases. it also assures a permanently happy life.

Name Number: 46
Uranus and Venus come side by side to form this number. If people have names in this number, their knowledge, wealth, occupation and status will steadily improve. They will succeed in realizing their aim. If they use their capacity properly, they can earn much wealth and international fame. They will get a good wife and good children. To the end of their life, they will enjoy all comforts without lacking anything.

Name Number: 47
Number 4 of Uranus, the giver of wisdom, and number 7 of Neptune, the giver of salvation, come side by side. So people with names in this number have an aptitude for research work. They excel in giving advice to others. Their financial position is sound. As this number has divine power, these people should not engage in undesirable activities, if they happen to be born on 7, 16, 25 they will get good results and also salvation. But this number is harmful to people born on 9, 18, 27.

Name Number: 48
People having names in this number cannot improve their life. They will face failure everywhere. Yet they come forward to serve their society and religion. The popularity which comes as a reward to such service will, however, be snatched away by others. Ultimately they will suffer due to lack of money and denial of fame. But people born on 3, 12, 21, 30 will get benefit to some extent from this number.

Name Number: 49
One who has his name in this number will be a leader of the people. They will be the ideal guide to many. They boldly begin any work and succeed in it. They will become famous everywhere. They will perform many adventures. They are good orators. They earn money from various sources. As they carry the problems of many persons, they may have to face sudden dangers. If people born on 1, 10, 19, 28 form names in this number, they will achieve great success.

Name Number: 50
People having names in this number may belong to ordinary families. But they will reach a high position by their capacity and intelligence. They learn many languages. They get money by teaching and through electronics and instrumental mechanism. They earn income through their wife also. They are always talkative. They enjoy traveling.

Name Number: 51
Mercury representing 5 and the Sun representing 1 come side by side. So people having names in this number will be extremely alert persons. Just like sunlight which spreads everywhere, they will become famous. They will earn name and wealth through business or profession. They always think about earning more money and draw some plan or another. Their health and mental strength raise the quality of their life. They face constant opposition. They should develop an attitude of giving and take. This number is harmful only to those born on 3, 12, 21, 30.

Name Number: 52
Mercury representing 5 and the Moon representing 2 come side by side. If people have names in this number their early life will be splendid. There will be more improvement as they grow older. But they have to face problems too. They will be consulted by others to have their problems solved. This assistance will enhance their prestige. If people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 have names in this number, they will have plenty of wealth and attractive personality and lead a happy life to the end. But this number will be a hindrance to others in their activities. Domestic life also will become confused.

Name Number: 53
People having names in this number will become ripe in experience during their youth. They will interfere in every matter. So they cannot hope for a peaceful life. They will engage in public welfare activities, do what is impossible for others and become famous. Their domestic life will be affected. This number is beneficial only to those born on 5, 14, 23.

Name Number: 54
Number 5 of Mercury and 4 of Uranus come side by side. So people having names in this number will be very active and are effective speakers. They will get fame and wealth. They are wise men capable of giving advice to others. However, they may sometimes fail because of arrogance. if they adjust with others, they can make good progress. To people born on 9, 18, 27 this number will assure a successful life. But it is harmful to people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 or 7, 16, 25.

Name Number: 55
People having names in this number will have on the excess of physical strength and will-power. They show honesty and fair play. But they are impatient. So they cannot avoid quarrels. Of course, they will succeed in them. They have enormous knowledge and plenty of wealth But they are ignorant of forming a pattern of life that suits them. This number is not to be used for business based on partnership.

Name Number: 56
Number 5 of Mercury and number 6 of Venus come side by side. People having names in this number are always busy and they earn much wealth. If people born on 7. 16, 25 form their names in this number they will achieve what is impossible for others. Besides, they will become famous and wealthy. But if people born on other dates have names in this number. earn their livelihood by cheating others.

Name Number: 57
People having names in this number seek spiritual bliss. Like philosophers, they declare that all worldly pleasures are temporary. They will reach a high position in life. But they become confused because of conflicting ideas. So they will be reduced to poverty. It is not a good number to form names.

Name Number: 58
Number 5 of Mercury and 8 of Saturn come side by side. People having names in this number will lead to an excellent life. Many will become famous leaders and help others. They will occupy responsible posts. This number confers all kinds of facilities to those born on 1, 10, 19, 28 in the case of those born on other dates, life will be full of ups and downs.

Name Number: 59
This number is formed by number 5 of Mercury and 9 of Mars, the planet of courage. People having this number will reach a high position in life. They will explain through lectures and writings the lapses of men in power. Their power of oratory and effective writing will attract public support. They will become famous and wealthy. They have an excess of sex urge. They may suffer from diseases due to biles.

Name Number: 60
This number is under the influence of Venus. People having names in this number appear attractively dressed and exhibit charming manners. They can make people happy by entertaining them. They have the chance to earn money through lecturing and writing. They enjoy un-diminishing luck. They strive to improve their position as well as that of others. This number enables one to have a happy domestic life. But people born on 3, 12, 21, 30 get only adverse results.

Name Number: 61
Numbers 6 of Venus and 1 of the Sun come side by side. People having names in this number enjoy all pleasures of life. But they suffer later. Their domestic life will not be happy. Their health will be affected. They carry the burden of worries. If people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 have names in this number, they enjoy good family life and acquire wealth.

Name Number: 63
The number 6 of Venus (preceptor of demons) and number 3 of Jupiter (preceptor of angels) combine to form this number. It may give some progress but will prevent further development. As soon as people with this number begin work, they will be assailed with rivalry and troubles. But suddenly it will bring success. If people born on 2, 11, 20, 29, or 7. 16. 25 have names in this number, they have to face litigation. So it is not a desirable number.

Name Number: 64
Number 6 of Venus and 4 of Uranus combine to form this number. People having names in this number acquire great fame and wealth. They get income from engaging in two or three activities simultaneously. People in government jobs are promoted to higher ranks. They are respected by friends and relatives. Hence it is a desirable number.

Name Number: 65
People with names in this number show less mental strength. Their life is inspired by divine feelings. Hence they avoid involvement in quarrels and litigation. They make progress through association with influential people. They get caught in unexpected accidents but escape through divine grace. They get a good life-partner and lead a decent family life.

Name Number: 66
This number represents the power of Venus doubled. People with names in this number will enjoy all worldly pleasures. They will earn profit from luxury articles. They will entertain others by their oratorical and artistic powers and earn wealth. They get a taste of all pleasures in their youth itself. After crossing middle age, they become averse to worldly pleasures.

Name Number: 67
People with names in this number earn a lot of wealth through industry and business bargaining. They cultivate the friendship of influential persons. They have the capacity to advise others. They move affectionately with others. They are honest in their ‘dealings. So they earn a good name. They possess divine grace and what they say is sure to happen. But people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 or 8, 17, 26 should not form names in this number.

Name Number: 68
This number is formed by number 6 of Venus and 8 of Saturn. They will make rapid progress in life. Suddenly they will face obstacles. They will resume their progress again and reach a good position. They get profit from commission work and industries connected with steel and transport. But they do not have a steady mind. So they pomp and down in life. Their luck will shine off and on like a gas lamp. They will do their work only when persuaded by others.

Name Number: 69
This number is formed by number 6 of Venus and 9 of Mars. People with names in this number will earn a lot of wealth and much fame and run a big industry. They will have friends in status higher than theirs. Many friends will come forward to help them. Wherever they go they receive a warm welcome. They will do all possible help to their dependents. They always have many supporters. They enjoy un-diminishing luck. But people born on 3. 12, 21. 30 should not make use of this number.

Name Number: 70
This number represents Neptune. People with names in this number have the power of self-realization. This number inspires them to do research in spiritual bliss, leaving the worldly pleasures aside. They undergo a lot of experience during their youth. They get good luck and fame when they are in advanced age and when they cannot enjoy them. People born on 2, 11, 20, 29 will acquire miraculous powers through mind- control.

Name Number: 72
This number represents Neptune and Moon. People with names in this number undergo a lot of experience in their youth. Hence they shine like pure gold. They have the good administrative capacity and will earn plenty of money steadily. They will reach a high position in spite of difficulties and obstacles. They acquire property, house, and conveyance.

Name Number: 73
People with names in this number will not take an interest in public activities. They wish to chalk out a comfortable life as far as they are concerned. They work with this motive and earn money through various sources. They will convert their money into house property or lands. They have a lucky life. But if they engage in evil activities, this number will spoil them. So they should regularly worship God to get good effects.

Name Number: 74
People with names in this number will strive for the uplift of their society. Yet they do not get a good name. Finally they. will complain that people have not recognized the value of their service. They think that it is better to believe in God who is visible in the mind than in human beings who are visible to the eyes. Their digestive tract is weak. Hence they may suffer from digestive disorders.

Name Number: 75
This number represents Neptune and Mercury. People with names in this number will make progress through writing, speaking, and arts. They have many good friends who come forward to help them. Their fame and status will improve steadily. If people born on 6, 15, 24 have names in this number, they have to face many kinds of troubles. Your Number: 76
People having names in this number will always be ready to help others. So their status and fame will improve. They will earn money from various sources without the knowledge of others. By helping others, they will also acquire much wealth. But people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 should not have names in this number.

Name Number: 77
This number has the effect of Neptune doubled. People with names in this number will not swerve from the path of justice and honesty. They have good mental strength. They come up in life by their own efforts. By helping others they get the support of many persons. They earn fame and plenty of wealth. They are inclined towards spiritual life. They undertake foreign trips. They serve the cause of their religion.

Name Number: 78
People with names in this number will not worry much about their own life. They will strive to improve the lives of others. They are blessed by God. They have the capacity to foretell the future. They become saints. They aim at encouraging others, doing charitable acts, and raising the standard of life of the people. The money will come seeking them. Their face glows with love and compassion. If people born on 3, 12, 21, 30 have names in this number, only bad effects will accrue.

Name Number: 79
People with names in this number are lucky. Yet they get confused in their family life. They face many problems in their early life. Later they make progress. They have the capacity to advise others. However, their domestic life is not peaceful.

Name Number: 80
If people born on 5, 14, 23 or 6, 15, 24 have names in this number, they will make moderately good progress. To others, this number creates a dangerous atmosphere and terrible mental fear. Hence this is not a desirable number.

Name Number: 81
Many persons will be waiting to serve people with names in this number. They have the capacity to instruct and guide others. They are eager to make progress in life. They are always making plans to improve their position. Generally, people with names in this number will enjoy all comforts and lead a happy life.

Name Number: 83
Persons with names in this number will give respect to others and render all help. Hence people will praise them as noblemen. Even if they have no inclination, high positions and big jobs will come seeking them. They always lead a happy life. They have a permanent position and ever-increasing wealth.

Name Number: 84
People with names in this number will have to swim against the current in life. They face unnecessary enmity, problems and litigation. As a result, their mind will become unsteady and worried. They will adopt the path of devotion to consolidate their mind. If people born on 3, 12, 21, 30 have names in this number, they will shine in life.

Name Number: 85
People with names in this number will have great aptitude for research work. They excel in writing poems and essays and in medical field. They do not stop by listening to the problems of others but will suggest a solution to get relief from them. They explain the merits of tradition and modernity. They particularly point out how man should live in the world.

Name Number: 86
People with names in this number may suffer in early life. They will make progress as they grow older. They get help from many extra-ordinary persons. Government officers and political leaders will support them. They will start a business without any investment but will acquire a lot of wealth. They get a comfortable life. Hence it is a desirable number.

Name Number: 87
People with names in this number will lead a rough life and wander in mountain areas and forests. All their plans will cause harm to others. Their mind may become brutal. They may be stung by poisonous creatures. They may also try to poison others. This is not a desirable number.

Name Number: 88
People with names in this number are highly peaceful and spiritual. They will show respect to children also. Even if they are in a high position, they consider their subordinates to be equal to them. They declare that irrespective of their caste and religion, all are children of God. If people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 have names in this number, they will enjoy all comforts.

Name Number: 89
People with names in this number will talk bluntly. They have such a majestic voice that even as they talk, others will be terrified. They will acquire a lot of property by their bold actions. If people born on 5, 14, 23 have names in this number they will get property through women. Their dress and mannerisms are attractive. They will escape from danger.

Name Number: 90
This number is under the full influence of Mars. People with names in this number will be bold and steady. They have clarity of thoughts. Whatever be the work, they will act boldly and succeed. They dare to undertake any work. They will earn much wealth and continuous popularity. If people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 or 7, 16, 25 have names in this number, their life will be spoiled.

Name Number: 91
People with names in this number will somehow achieve success in their plans. They live often separated from their family. They will undertake foreign travel. They will earn income from the import-export business. Or at least they will engage in the despatch of goods from one place to another within the country and make progress.

Name Number: 92
People with names in this number earn profit from various sources. But they suffer due to ill-health. They also face some domestic problems. Generally, they often feel giddy. They may suffer from diseases like asthma. Hence this number should be rejected.

Name Number: 93
This number is formed by number 9 of Mars and 3 of Jupiter. People with names in this number have a rich imagination. They will acquire the capacity to accomplish things that are impossible for others. They make a study of the daily life of the people. They try to reform society by writing plays and stories and through story-recitals and cinemas. They get profit from various business sources. But this number will not be good for people born on 6, 15, 24.

Name Number: 94
People having names in this number have a good general knowledge of many things. Whatever be the field, they show some acquaintance with it. They are not interested in making money. They face ups and downs in life. They will establish associations for the society to which they belong. In this way they work hard for the benefit of people. They form a society of their own.

Name Number: 95
People with names in this number get caught in great complications. Others may think that they cannot escape from those complications. But they manage to overcome their problems. They make others wonder by performing adventurous deeds. They earn wealth by selling foreign goods and by entertaining others.

Name Number: 96
This number is formed by number 9 of Mars and 6 of Venus. People with names in this number are blessed with boldness, luxurious life, and great knowledge. All their plans will succeed. They have the magnetic power to attract others through speech and the arts. At the same time, this number increases the sex urge. Hence these people should be careful. Generally, it is a desirable number because it brings luck.

Name Number: 97
If people have names in this number, their domestic life will be affected. But people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 will acquire much wealth and fame. They also get a variety of experiences in life. They take an interest in religion and the arts. They perform those activities which are considered impossible by others. In this way they become famous and wealthy. 377 9S People with names in this number regret that their knowledge is not of much use to them. Really they are great scholars. But they are at a loss to decide how to lead their life. They will suffer from family troubles, many problems, and chronic disease. People having business names in this number should not lend money to others because they cannot recover it.

Name Number: 98
If people born on 5, 14, 23 or 6, 15, 24 have names in this number, they will make moderately good progress. To others, this number creates dangerous atmosphere and terrible mental fear. Hence this is not a desirable number.

Name Number: 99
This number is under the full influence of Mars. People with names in this number have good physical strength. But they are quarrelsome. Even in a petty quarrel, they wish to take revenge. Their knowledge and money will be spent in evil ways. They have to face constant opposition. On1y people born on 5, 14, 23 lead a somewhat satisfactory life despite having names in this number. It is not a good number for others.

Name Number: 100
People with names in this number will come up in life step by step. They are patient by nature. Though they are not highly lucky. they are moderately well off and lead a satisfactory life. If they attempt big projects, they will meet with failure. They have the luck to earn money through small trades and through various means. Their life will be free from many problems and within limits.

Name Number: 101
People with names in this number will earn money without any investment. They get help from the ruling party men. Commission work and agencies are profitable for them. But all of a sudden, this number will seal up all avenues of income. It will spoil their brain also. It will benefit only those who are born on 7, 16, 25.

Name Number: 102
People with names in this number cannot enjoy continuous success. They will lose their wealth which they had earned by working hard over a long period. They will interfere in unnecessary matters and suffer from mental confusion throughout their life. Only people born on 3, 12, 21, 30 derive some benefits from having names in this number.

Name Number: 105
If people form their own names or business names in this number, they will have the luck to acquire a lot of property and wealth. Their business will develop day by day. Their fame will spread everywhere. They will lead a luxurious life. But people born on 3, 12, 21, 30 should not use this number to form their names or business names.

Name Number: 106
People having names in this number will have success in their early life but meet with failure later on. They become worried due to problems in their business and family. This number is moderately good for persons born on 2, 11, 20,29. It is not of many benefits to people of other numbers. Hence it is not a desirable number.

Name Number: 107
People having names in this number will face much confusion in domestic life. But in public life, there will be progress. They will get money, popularity, and position. Yet they suffer due to a lack of mental peace. This number is of full benefit to people born on 5, 14, 23.

Name Number: 108
People with names in this number enjoy good physical strength. They are self-confident. They will do many heroic deeds. They will become internationally famous. They will undertake long-distance travel. They will have the luck to shine as the leaders of many persons. They wish to perform those acts which are impossible for others. But if people born on 2, 11, 20, 29 or 7, 16, 25 have names in this number, they have to meet with many failures.

Name Number: 109
If people form their names or business names in this number, they will boldly pursue their activities and achieve success. They will make progress because of their influential connection with the government. This number causes unexpected good luck. If they control themselves and lead a disciplined, life, their growth is assured.

Name Number: 110
If people form their names of business names in this number, they will get confused due to problems in their family and business. They will do every work in a confused state of mind. They appear to shine suddenly. After some days, they will find themselves in obscurity. This number is moderately beneficial to those born on 7, 16, 25.

Name Number: 111
If people form their names or business names in this number. they will earn a good name and a lot of wealth. They will get profit from industries associated with fire or electricity. The steel industry also will be of benefit to them. But this number does not yield good results to those born on 6, 15, 24.

Your Number: 112
If people use this number for forming their names, they will find improvement in popularity and status. They will be successful in those activities which they take up for the sake of others. But they face delays in their own work. This number assures development to people born on 1, 10, 19, 28, or 6, 15, 24.

Name Number: 113
People with names in this number will earn wealth through commission and contracts. They will undertake foreign trips and earn money by export. This is a good number for all.

Name Number: 114
People with names in this number will lead a luxurious life. They will get properties acquired by others. They will buy costly articles. Some come up in life by business in luxury goods. This is not good for those born on 3, 12, 21, 30.

Name Number: 115
People with names in this number will face trouble. They cannot complete any work at once. They believe in God. They will complain about their fate. This number is good for those born on 2, 11, 20, 29.

Name Number: 116
People with names in this number will make progress with super-human speed. But they earn income through evil ways. They have to face litigation. Mental peace will be less. There will not be many adverse effects for those born on 5, 14, 23. They will get more good results. This number is not so good for others.

Name Number: 117
People with names in this number can advise others and to arbitrate between parties. They do not care much about money. So they find it difficult to control their expenditure. They obey their conscience. Though they possess a rude nature, they hesitate to commit evil deeds.

Name Number: 118
People with names in this number will have good luck in the beginning. During the middle stage, they will face many hurdles. They will succeed in the end by their ceaseless toil. They will become rich and popular. If people born on 1, 10, 19, 28 or 4, 13, 22, 31 or 6, 15, 24 use this number to form names they will acquire enormous wealth.

Name Number: 119
People with names in this number will get the properties acquired by others. If men, they will derive income from women and vice versa. They are fond of luxury. They will make a profit by doing business in luxury articles and liquid materials. But this number is harmful to those born on 9, 18, 27.

Name Number: 120
People with names in this number will attract others by their clever talks. They have the aim to work for the welfare of others. But they do not know how to improve their life. They will not reveal their feelings. They have faith in God and a steady mind. They will not hesitate to spend money on their religion

Name Number: 121
People with names in this number will work hard for their progress. They will engage in activity only after deep thought. They may be successful in many ventures. But they will suffer at least one defeat. They will succeed in the next attempt. This number is good for people born on 1, 10, 19, 28, or 6, 15 24.

Name Number: 122
If people form names in this number, their early life will not be smooth. But day by day their business will improve. Many partners will join them and swell the capital. They will earn a lot of money through various sources.

Name Number: 123
It people form their names in this number, they will witness rapid progress day by day. They will plan big projects and succeed, in them. They become confident of achieving anything in life. They get all comforts and enjoy a happy life.


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